Stable Construction Consulting phone number

07752 253853

Stable Construction Consulting was set up in 2016 by Crispin Cockman (BSc. (Hons.) LLB (Hons) MRICS) a Chartered Quantity Surveyor with over 30 years experience, gained in the UK and overseas, on projects ranging from the construction of small-scale housing developments to huge oil and gas installations in the Middle East. The knowledge and understanding gained over the years enables Stable Construction Consulting to provide a range of contract advice, from the initial setting up of a contract, through to the negotiation of final accounts and the compilation of claims and Expert Witness reports. Stable Construction Consulting has been established by Crispin Cockman, who has worked for Consultancy organisations and major Contractors, both in the UK and overseas, most recently as a Director with Hill International, where he was tasked with the provision of Commercial Management and dispute resolution services to major contractors in the Middle East. In the UK, Crispin’s experience has mainly been gained in connection with JCT and NEC Contracts, though he has some experience of working with the iChem E ‘Red Book’ and has had involvement with many bespoke contracts.