Stable Construction Consulting phone number

07752 253853

Whilst it should go without saying that no-one goes into a construction project with the intention of submitting a claim, it is nevertheless a fact of commercial life that projects do not always proceed as planned, and that events occur which cause contractors to suffer delay and/or additional and unforeseen cost. In such cases, it may be necessary to prepare and submit a formal claim, setting out the reasons why an extension or extensions of time should be given, and why the Contractor is entitled to recover his unforeseen expenditure.


Stable Construction Consulting has extensive experience in the drafting and presentation of claims for both delay and additional cost. This experience has been gained across a wide variety of construction types and values, from relatively small-scale projects in the UK to the construction of vast, multi-million pound engineering facilities in the deserts of Saudi Arabia.


We are able to prepare anything from simple, time-related cost claims through to the provision of measured-mile and productivity analyses in connection with the submission of claims for disruption and acceleration.


It is, however, an inescapable fact that the best claim in the world will only be as good as the records that exist to back it up. If the Contractor’s record-keeping regimen is poor, any claim that is produced will also be poor. It is, therefore, essential that – from the outset – the Contractor adopts a discipline of maintaining the records that will be necessary in the event that a claim needs to be produced. Stable Construction Consulting can assist in this regard, by helping the Contractor identify the type of records that must be kept, and by setting up an appropriate procedure to ensure that they are regularly maintained.