Stable Construction Consulting phone number

07752 253853

It should go without saying that all parties to a construction contract should understand all the terms of the contracts they intend to sign.


Standard form construction contracts have evolved over long periods of time. For the most part, they aim to provide a fair balance of risk between Employer and Contractor. Whilst the majority of contracts in the UK are let on the basis of such forms, these are, in many cases, subject to a variety of amendments. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the purpose of these amendments is to enhance the position of the Employer at the expense of that of the Contractor.

Stable Construction Consulting works closely with Contractors and Subcontractors in the negotiation and agreement of any such contract amendments to ensure, as far as possible, that the balance of the risk profile is not disproportionately or dangerously skewed in favour of the Employer. We will:


  • Carry out a thorough review of the proposed contract documentation, identifying any amendments, conflicts and contradictions between separate documents
  • Identify and explain the import of any non-standard amendments
  • Undertake the negotiation of the proposed amendments with the Employer